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i love mulan
Комментарий от : @xienyunachoui8649

Disney: "We stand against racism against black and Asian people."
Disney: "Shrink the black guy in the movie poster, don't want people to notice him."
Disney: "Thank you China for letting us film next to your concentration camp. Fun time!"

Комментарий от : @radioguy75

Mulan f'u"l'l M'o'V'i"E | Ultra 4KHD
HD Quality
Watch or download »»» mulan-borjes-movie.blogspot.com

❁ All Subtitle ❁

************** CopYright****************
ê Lorsqu'une pilule qui donne aux utilisateurs cinq minutes de super pouvoirs inattendus arrive dans les rues de
la Nouvelle-Orléans, un adolescent marchand et un policier local doivent faire équipe avec un ancien soldat pour
—faire tomber le groupe responsable de sa fabrication. √™ Когда таблетка, дающая пользователям пять минут
неожиданных сверхспособностей, попадает на улицы Нового Орлеана, торговец-подросток и местный —полицейский
должны объединиться с бывшим солдатом, чтобы уничтожить группу, ответственную за ее создание. """""""""
Obrigado pela sua presença, esperamos que seja útil Espero que você possa tirar uma soneca a noite toda I loro stati di salute rispettivi prevenirli

Комментарий от : @andrew294

MULAN is my favorite disney movie BUT this Mulan version kind of ruined IT ALL. There were no favorite characters like the prince,instead replaced with a solider. The tiny dragon and cricket were missing, they were so funny and lovely character. Which is one of the reasons why I hate this MULAN (2020) and loved MULAN(old)

Good points
•The movie has good action
• nice graphic
•good looking/suitable character.

Bad points
•Missing characters
•Plot change
•Feel incomplete
•Did not give a rewatch feeling
•Removed funny stuff & made it seem serious(causing boredom)

Really DISAPPOINTED 😞(/□\*)(╯︵╰,)

Комментарий от : @sahasra_loveyourself_

Mulan (2020) FULL MOVIES HD
ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ ɴᴏᴡ ✈️ mulan-2020-vilas.blogspot.com
All Subtitles

I loro stati di salute
s'approcher trop
rispettivi prevenirli
per avvicinarsi troppo
ደሞዝ ማግኘት ይፈልጋሉ? አንቺ ግን ከልጅ ጋር ላም ነሽ

Комментарий от : @adityasaputra2957

when wil dis movie stert on youtube
Комментарий от : @perlitocabradilla6951

Комментарий от : @raoultgreygrisalena2706

Комментарий от : @meganbennett7502

Where is Muchu?
Комментарий от : @mikk1506882548

Комментарий от : @lucyrhodes243

MULAN 2020
WATCH HERE ► ► arwana-mulan-2020.blogspot.com

Комментарий от : @lunnaarisvel6517

MULAN 2020
WATCH HERE ► ► arwana-mulan-2020.blogspot.com

Комментарий от : @miamalkova366

Mulan (2020) f'u"l'l M'o'V'i"E
▶ t.co/YsizuqYHFP?Mulan.2020/juenk

Leurs états de santé
respectifs les empechent
de s'approcher trop
pres l'un de l'autre.??

Комментарий от : @riztina4514

Mulan 2020 f'u"l'l M'o'V'i"E
ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ ɴᴏᴡ √ mulan-lordmovies.blogspot.com

Leurs états de santé
respectifs les empechent

Комментарий от : @septianahilmi7759

mulan 2020 teljes film online HD
⇓⇓⇓ kattintson a letöltésre ⇓⇓⇓
➥➱https: //gunzmovies.com/movie/337401/mulan ◉◉
*************************** ***
minden felirat

Amikor a kínai császár úgy döntött, hogy családonként egy embernek kell szolgálnia a kínai császári hadseregben, hogy megvédje a földet a hunoktól, Hua Mulan, egy elismert harcos legidősebb lánya lépett be gyengélkedő apja helyébe. Izgatott volt, határozott és gyorsan felkelt. A Hua Jun nevű férfinak álcázva az út minden lépésén kipróbálták, és meg kellett használnia a legmélyebb erejét, és ki kellett használnia valódi lehetőségeit.

Cím = Mulan
Színészek = Liu Yifei, Jet Li, Tzi Ma és mások ...
Kína y = Egyesült Államok

mindenki megakadályozza őket
túl közel

Комментарий от : @jangkamanawareaw5087

Me ha entrado ganas de verla por la banda sonora 😂
Комментарий от : @Ester_vargas

Mulan is a wonderful film!
Комментарий от : @williamdeng1870

Is this about the CORONA VIRUS??????
Комментарий от : @alexeiromanov2250

Mulan (2020) full MoViE HD 4K Online
{{ mulan-streamone.blogspot.com }}
З таго часу, як захапіўся юрыст Хобс (Джонсан), PELICULA COMPLETA EN ESPAÑOL LATINO
PELICULA COMPLETA Probablemente no fueron los Mafiosos, si no Ana la ex de massimo quien "mato" a Laura.EN ESPAÑOL LATINO бяспекі Амерыкі і беззаконны ізгой Шоў (Стэтэм), былы брытанскі ваенны элітны аператыўнік, упершыню сутыкнуўся з раз'юшаным 7 у 2015 годзе, дуэт абмяняўся прысмакамі і размовамі аб ударах цела як яны спрабавалі збіць адзін аднаго.akjdajkdnakjdnajksndjkdnjkas

Комментарий от : @rizkiadinugroho9086

popcorntime-online.ch/mulan-2020.html?imdb=4566758 pelí de mulan
Комментарий от : @eli-zm9gz

Mushu-Alright that’s it, dishonor, dishonor on the whole crew. Make a note of this. Dishonor on the crew, dishonor on their cows, and dishonor on Disney who makes us pay for it. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Комментарий от : @ricvaladez2563

Globally boycott this movie
Комментарий от : @sanjoysen3297

Its out noww
Комментарий от : @urmom7393

the 1975
Комментарий от : @samsonbavo4275

Disney should just admit a huge casting error in using LiuYiFei and put the movie in the trash bin🗑 ! Casting this communist bitch as Mulan is an insult to all freedom fighters in Hong Kong, XinJiang, Taiwan, Mongolia. I puke 🤮 just seeing the posters.
Комментарий от : @depoohwinnie1139

Wow goosebumps with that song😍 can't wait to watch 😍
Комментарий от : @michelleaquinozapanta3950

Mulan (2020)

ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ ɴᴏᴡ ✈️ chomovies-mulan.blogspot.com

I loro stati di salute
de s'approcher trop
rispettivi prevenirli

Комментарий от : @annaonlyfans1939

Lowkey sad that Shang isn't in this version of Mulan.
Комментарий от : @vartikarana5378

Комментарий от : @robert-brydson-1

Omg it's mulan
Комментарий от : @brunomckeller3119

Esse filme tá sendo uma decepção
Комментарий от : @sapo_lunar

Mulan (2020) 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥-𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 [𝐇𝐃]
ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏᴡɴʟᴏᴀᴅ ɴᴏᴡ ✈️ mulan-2020-lcmovies.blogspot.com
••••••• lc-movies.blogspot.com •••••••

I loro stati di salute
s'approcher trop
rispettivi prevenirli
per avvicinarsi troppo
ደሞዝ ማግኘት ይፈልጋሉ? አንቺ ግን ከልጅ ጋር ላም ነሽjhdqjhbqjhdbqjhbac

Комментарий от : @sandidwi6898

In 2020 there are so many very interesting films, did you miss it?
look here : site-movie3.blogspot.com/
I only share for you so that you watch it with your beloved family.

Комментарий от : @reinhoyce7680

1:52 she played the Empress in the curse of the Golden Flower!
Комментарий от : @buba4267

I love tomboys so much
Комментарий от : @rogerlightbody7992

If she turns out to be a Fighting Vegan Lesbian Feminist I’m going to be very mad ...
Комментарий от : @Del_Yanamme

Nice Mortal Kombat game, when is it coming out?
Комментарий от : @dr.anderson1847

Mulan 2020 HD Download link:

Комментарий от : @narusempai8678

Such a shame to watch this Mulan of YieFie. She ruined the Mulan Legend. Waste of time. She acted like learning by heart the scripts. No emotion, no feelings, and no reactive in her acting skills. Terrible ever. Watch and waste
Комментарий от : @NguyenVuP

I just hope disney won't flood this film with unnecessary feminist propaganda, just of politics everywhere
Комментарий от : @yurisiiva6517

𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐫 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 »» t.co/veKjN7ijJR?mulan/dije
si tout va bien plus amusant avec le meilleur choix et les films de type qualité.
ne manquez pas et visitez bientôt ...

Њихово здравље
одговарајуће их спречавају
да се превише приближи%%%$$$$

Комментарий от : @12team34

The dad doesn’t look like the character and they pronounced the names dif and her make ups did and NO MUSHU! NO SHANG?! DISHONOR ON YOU DISHONOR ON UR FAMILY DISHONOR ON UR COW!!
Комментарий от : @laniyee9319

The dad doesn’t look like the character and they pronounced the names dif and her make ups did and NO MUSHU!!!!
Комментарий от : @laniyee9319

* full movies [2020] *
*HD quality.
*All languages.
🎬👉>> t.co/veKjN7ijJR?mulan/dije


I loro stati di salute
rispettivi prevenirli
per avvicinarsi troppo
Mensile Cabal? Al giorno d'oggi,

tuttavia, si e olturasizbi?
Быйылкы трандинг тасмасын өткөрүп

кайда гана болбосун, сиз андан

ырахат алсаңыз болот

Комментарий от : @twelveteam7556

Oh LoOk! AnOtHeR dIsNeY lIvE aCtIoN mOvIe ThAt PrObAbLy WoN’t Be GoOd!
Комментарий от : @unibrotherjohn7378

Mulan is my favorite Disney movie, I don’t want to watch the live action and be disappointed 😭 so yeah i’m not going to watch it
Комментарий от : @andreamonserrath

Woooow this looks SO GOOD
Комментарий от : @Kookyskorner

Mulan w obronie zasad to wtedy tak pozdro
Комментарий от : @kamilciezak6836

OMG OMG OMG i visited the filming location!!!
Комментарий от : @lucyporriton6162

They just need to release this digitally, even when theaters open, they are going to be able to put many people in there, it won't be a good year before theaters recover.
Комментарий от : @now192002

Комментарий от : @MarrSar-wz7xq

Disney: we want this to be historically accurate so we are going to take out the good parts

Also Disney: WhAt AbOuT a WiTcH

Комментарий от : @cameronmoore4863

'mulan 2020' (Site from genflix99): ¿Qué tan reales son las escenas de sexo en la película? | best Movie Hits
Комментарий от : @frediawery1966

Tbh I forgot this even existed, haven't watch it probably never will. I'll rather watch the other one with Mushu.
Комментарий от : @casualboysirius

I feel like thid will flop and be a awful movie, the changed her name, added a sister, took away li shan and Mushu, added a witch and much more, im so disappointedddd they took out the best parts and twisted the original mulan movie soooo much
Комментарий от : @sondrenacarey6549

We needed to raid this movie like how we did with sonic so they add mushu jhvhjghvvgh
Комментарий от : @teal3af49

I want this movie now
Комментарий от : @ericrypt

It’s literally not the same without any type of romance in it 😐
Комментарий от : @bellabell9740

Wow keren habis videonya
Комментарий от : @SanepaChannel

And remember don’t be racist and mushy kind of turned weird 😂
Комментарий от : @shurikenmoo.0366

This is the first time I’ve actually been excited to see a Disney remake. I PRAY they do the tale justice
Комментарий от : @elizabethsullivan2965

Ok but where’s the fucking cricket and dragon
Комментарий от : @vendingmachine5629

Where the dragon?
Комментарий от : @lonelycrow113

I guess the witch and phoenix are more accurate in terms of being s part of chinese mythology ? And maybe talking dragons aren't ?
But I still don't know how to feel about this

Комментарий от : @mandanal2232

I feel goosebumps just seeing this trailer
Комментарий от : @muhammadafiqnazmi140

Some please Tel me from where I can watch
Комментарий от : @kumzukjamir6724

When's it coming out on DVD?
Комментарий от : @lindseybassett1017

Комментарий от : @chopstickday4050

This some bullshit
Комментарий от : @GorlockTheDestroyer1

Disney: wants to make a historically accurate Mulan
Disney: doesn't do it

Комментарий от : @aj-lb5eq

Fricking mushu should be here this is the worst movie now
Комментарий от : @zay_khan1

Bruh the fact that there are 2 female warriors makes what mulan did less impactful... Plus where's mushu....
Комментарий от : @notsusoranythingbut3822

I am really disappointed......I watched the live of the Lion King, didn't like (And it's my favorite Disney movie), Aladdin was the same....They don't draw me like the animated versions and that's unnerving...At least I still have the first ones of my chilhood....
Комментарий от : @Artsy2000Pink

Dammit disney. all I wanted was a hot Shang to complete me but yall had to take away him AND the comic relief. YOU HAVE BROUGHT DISHONOR TO US ALL.
Комментарий от : @scarlettohara6982

No vi nada de humor, no vi a mushu
Комментарий от : @AnaLaura-mf7mh

Комментарий от : @AnaLaura-mf7mh

No Mushu, no Shang, and no I'll make a man out of you.... besides Mulan (obviously) those are the three things I loved about the original movie
Комментарий от : @KDizzie

HOW IN THE HELL! can this trailer get 9.3K LIKES! it is a burning dumpster fire rip off of a masterpiece of a Disney classic.
Комментарий от : @artemis1357

So is this out cause I wanna see it
Комментарий от : @ZombieGuts02

Who the hell is this lame ass villain, Shan Yu was one of if not the most badass villain ever.
Комментарий от : @justchillin7896

Shang si gay
Комментарий от : @Matias-qt7sr

Where is the dragon ancestor?
Комментарий от : @auliarosativa5160

Mushu isn't here

Some random girl is here

Mulan doesn't cut her hair

I can't see Shang

No funny scenes

Where the trio of men at?

Where's Cri-kee?



Комментарий от : @tipsysonder4238

So Donnie yen has now trained Bruce lee and Mulan
Комментарий от : @capenburbank9307

Mulan 💕💕💕💕👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌 Ultimate trailer fabulous
Комментарий от : @vnblogs1085

I seriously hope this live action does justice, Mulan and Pocahontas will forever be my favorite Disney movies
Комментарий от : @lexiwhite8796

Wait...where's Mushu?
Комментарий от : @afsanachoudhury3319

This movie is so beautiful 😍 it makes me cry 😢
Комментарий от : @julianhernandezsegoviano3970

is no one else upset that they cut out the hair cutting scene?
Комментарий от : @saratakkoush6109

so like is mushu gone be in the sequel 😗?
Комментарий от : @gdawg35

I'll just watch the 45 minute long 50 episodes of the untamed until this comes out after the virus then... Can't get enough of ancient Asia themes.
Комментарий от : @Luc743

I’m- I’m covered in goosebumps wtf
Комментарий от : @FuturelsPure

Комментарий от : @Ashitaka421

Donnie yen ok i watch
Комментарий от : @yafettuwanakotta8705

Комментарий от : @nefelimino655

Ok it's a good thing that they stick to the source material but I was gonna watch this movie because I loved the cartoon one and wanted to see its live-action. So for me this was supposed to be some classical Disney style film with singing and smiling and Mushu and Shang, like the original one. Now I don't know how to feel about it lol
Комментарий от : @arsimakeskin827

Boycotting disney until they finally make new Movies again.

This includes Star wars and every libe-action remake.

Such a shame, since i was such a Disney Fanboy.

Make something new Disney!
Actually write a new Script!

Комментарий от : @DerGeileGangster

From where the hell this witch and a phoenix came and where's mushu
Комментарий от : @caniget600subscriberswitho5

But there was an evil bird in the original cartoon right
Комментарий от : @iowadiva_3332

Watch in HD Film Action MULAN Official Trailer #2 (2020) Full MoVie
✔️ Click Here ➽[[ flixstream2020.blogspot.com ]]
All Subtitles
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Комментарий от : @clipgaming8542

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