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What do you guys think? Is this a fault of Riot's ban detection system? Should inting games and smurfing to get high winrates be allowed? COMMENT BELOW!
Комментарий от : @luigidragon

Bro did this guy really just introduce himself in third person?
Комментарий от : @eliasvonbrille

i did a 25 win streak in duo Q with a friend on my real elo.
Okaaay my friend is a massssiiive inter but our mmr's wasn't too bad

Комментарий от : @jeanbonneau6292

Rank system dsnt exist Bro
Riot band system sucks

Комментарий от : @SoyGaspy

so they literally destroy low elo solo que and make it even more coinflip
Комментарий от : @mistycloud4455

R.I.P KennenLegend being called bad
Комментарий от : @dgnatsu6288

If I saw these Smurfs irl i would spit in their face tbh
Комментарий от : @AlumRadke

If I saw these Smurfs irl i would spit in their face tbh
Комментарий от : @AlumRadke

Gj u can ruin the game more like 79 losses for the community
Комментарий от : @AlumRadke

Everyone can do it and climb like that ??!
Комментарий от : @manoschalk8486

lonley e girl and u fking apes on euw
Комментарий от : @itari1267

Pants are Racist
Комментарий от : @truth9078

Pls review Rat on Script and Lulu on script EUW server they have 133 wins 1 lose
Комментарий от : @kaihyua6666

You dont get it. It's all about luck who's in your team. You only need one person in your Team to messed up your game on purpose
Комментарий от : @hongkonger3807

Kami is gm rank #1 kha euw, i know that for sure. So they aren't really randoms
Комментарий от : @HiimGhost

I really don't wanna hate on this kha'zix kid(kamikhazix) but I played against him some months ago and he was ultra toxic and arrogant.
Комментарий от : @eto8418

I think the best way to improve is by facing ppl better than you, personally ive climbed by improving watching my replays and what i did bad, how i could win that, what i should do next, playing against a higher elo player can help you too, just copy what they do and understand why and how
Комментарий от : @nakagashynightcore1795

abused mmr system? no just abused braindead op champs
Комментарий от : @clashconjosef6325

this guy went 133 wins in a row then lost 1 game 134 why wasn't he ever mentioned


Комментарий от : @basilkhamis2049

Lol this guy sucks matched against him he fed his ass off in master so streamsniped him and got a total of three wins for free. No wonder he is trying to escape his elo and smurfing instead
Комментарий от : @ahqua7888

im 90% win rate out of 30 games in bronze II nick Astra on EUW. Going for diax IV. Also fuck that kha kennen. Retards inted 50 games to get that challange. Im so glad they lost. :)
Комментарий от : @BathgateToushiru

it's game so fun for new or bad players !!
u play in siver\gold or hardstuck , and then u got some guys in ur team who lose games for 1,2,3 etc times and also got enemy team who 21\1 . it's must be sooo fun

Комментарий от : @whiteraven1589

Lmfao smurf got stomped.
Комментарий от : @strawberryytooot154

If u see these Smurf’s take one and int them :)
Комментарий от : @justsomedogwithinternetacc7415

So perma ban kha zix
Комментарий от : @sagestrongbear

Review "rat on script" EUW right now 124-0 in gold 1
Комментарий от : @3rk498

I love ratirl
Комментарий от : @michaelv7762

Wtf how is it possible to have 7 ads on one 15 min video
Комментарий от : @andrewtsch9088

I hope someone kills those smurfers irl like some really mad iron player with funds str8 up buys some guns and gives em the good old assassination treatment for feeding/ smurfing in his game . Just walks up to them with the gun pops one in the head and leaves
Комментарий от : @forita100

I beg to differ when it comes to smurfing, all the people who complain about smurfs are people who in reality complain about 1 match. The likelihood of someone having met this same guy like 10 times or so is super low. While I get that smurfing can be frustrating, it also happens when pros move to different regions, at that point they are also smurfing. All I would say is, when you meet a smurf, watch what they do in a replay, watch what you do and see the differences and learn from it. People who complain are in fact just sad individuals who want to make something big out of something little. It's a way to improve, all that matters is how you take it, if you are that procrastinating individual who blames your rank on smurfs, or the individual who takes tips out of it and improves your game. If you blame you being hardstuck due to smurfs, then you probably shouldn't play the game, because the likelihood of you being stuck due to smurfs is soo incredibly low. And also to further strengthen my point, smurfs are common in almost every video game, and accepted/acknowledged/recognized to be a thing in many communities, it's a normal thing in games yet why people still complain about it goes beyond me. I don't get how you can complain about something that literally happens in any genre that has "multiplayer" in it, it does not make sense.
Комментарий от : @sircrumbles3392

what if they meet you and fwii smurfing as well lol
Комментарий от : @thefurmidablecatlucky3

When a streamer thats known for ghosting and duoing in challenger analyzes something
Комментарий от : @nanelol

I recently went 63-0 solo with Tryndamere on EUNE in bronze ish elo, not counting one game i afked

Комментарий от : @drswarm321

Like, why is people upset.. This is not the reason, why you are still silver.
Even if you played vs them, its one game.. Like, stop whining about this.

Комментарий от : @xElefanten_

This Khazix is nowhere near d1. As he played 80 games still has no mechanics on khazix. He could’ve easily killed Leesin at the cloud drake with aa and Q then ult
Комментарий от : @YiMengRuShi

Round 2 will start later this year


Комментарий от : @KamiKhazix

Yeah, that explains why I had such a hard as hell time climbing to Gold at the finish line of Season 8, I think it was. I basically one tricked new Swain and got to Promos for Gold 1, proceeded to think I could play anything, lost so many games I crashed, no, I DRILLED, straight down to Silver 5 before my MMR even remotely stabilized, and it took me so damn long to climb out of that and back into Gold before that Season ended... That humbled me QUICK, lol.
Комментарий от : @karsonkammerzell6955

Wait so if I get this right. normal games also matter for your mmr? I mean how would you otherwise go 79-0? Or do they do this by losing flex games?
Комментарий от : @nethertale2148

Went 73-0 in season 8, might attempt something similar in the future

Комментарий от : @stardust-of-space-and-time

This is nothing bro. On euw there’s people with 100 wins 0 losses abusing this strategy
Комментарий от : @coffeeenjoyer9099

When i was playing to get my second account to platinum on euw i saw that out of the 10 placements i lost 9 fkin games when i was stomping hard but little did i know that i was the only winning lane so i just gave up on that account when i saw teammates who open lanes after getting killed once or twice
Комментарий от : @shards8300

Its hilarious that they are not getting banned for such a obvious int....
You can discuss about the smurf part, but int part shouldnt be tolerated , because they WANT to lose in these games!!! And I also dont like the smurf part. So yeah ... report these players and hopefully ban them but i know this wont happen.

Комментарий от : @janhendrikluedemann8935

Tbh malza was trash
Комментарий от : @lorenorzorro8506

These people who only smurf and then flame their own teammates are dogs. Obviously, since u r smurfing ur teammates aren't gonna be good. The are just making a fool of themselves honestly.
Комментарий от : @saitejavangari7678

They should get banned for this kind of smurfing they are ruining other peoples games either
Комментарий от : @reaper8113

14:35 - end made my day. Thanks pants xD
Комментарий от : @Kapkeh

Smurfing makes Ranked Irrelevent and innacurate
Комментарий от : @blazewalker7313

I knew vlad main eune smurf
His ign:Hiraga
He has 100% wr tho in silver

Комментарий от : @gabrielmoisa189


2 master tier smurfs broke the record btw

Комментарий от : @BenaiahKing

I used to play with kami khazix, he is hardstuck low diamond on eune. Very bad player
Комментарий от : @cookiecow3900

Been doing that for years pants. I have a 0/50 1/49 0/100 2/77 Account. Theyre easy to sell.
Комментарий от : @ESinged

There are 2 players on eune named xDaRRiuS and Hiraga with 67-0 in Silver 3
Комментарий от : @darius39351

i thought the same thing about playing vs bad players will develop a bad mind set BUT look at dopa/apdo? possibly best player in the world and he got banned because of being a booster lol
Комментарий от : @clubskitzhardstyle

MMR and Elo fucking each other.
Комментарий от : @kapitanNeoomojo

"I hate smurfing"
- Smurfs a lot

Комментарий от : @alany2103

Ur cringe af
Комментарий от : @proteus7322

My personal goal is to rank up every season my 1st season I'm Plat 3 and then 2nd season Diamond 4 and this season I'm currently at Diamond 4 and grinding for the next Division ( Master ) this season 😁
Комментарий от : @leagueentertainment8903

In season 8, i played solo on a new unranked acc, and got 44-3 wins or smth with Kha til p1, and got Rank#1 Kha'Zix for the whole season obviously.
My KDA was 21/1/5 and I was playing SOLO. These guys make a lot of crucial mistakes, I can analyze some of their faults if you want

Комментарий от : @outlast4709

Hey, what is this khazix’s runes?
Комментарий от : @alexlira1314

I’ve noticed this myself had a string of bad luck in plat 4 people trolling and bad games and I could go 8 and 2 and for some reason my 2 losses would bring me back to almost 0 lp kinda stopped playing last season because of that
Комментарий от : @psychoking43

so they exploited the mmr so that they somehow don't climb and always face lower elo players?
Комментарий от : @nym5qu17

As a gold player, it's pretty obnoxious to meet obvious smurfs...
Комментарий от : @Ayra_arts

Smurfing is one of the reasons I don't play anymore. I'm gold(and I deserve it, both good and bad). I don't need this shit of playing against diamonds in my game because they want to feel good about themselves by stomping on worse players.
Комментарий от : @blainehowes5242

Комментарий от : @georgi_sazdov7433

Ily pants ❤️❤️
Комментарий от : @zeinkhalaf1186

Im a veteran ( 8 years of playing league ) i was dia 2 last season and now i'm plat 4 with 30 % WINRATE CAUSE THIS MMR SYSTEM SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK
Комментарий от : @6700adam

Комментарий от : @kaylefrancissaycon8803

5 views early gang wya?
Комментарий от : @mihaiflorin9107

Комментарий от : @brunobuccellati7499

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